Arizona Water Well Drilling: Geology, Regulations, and Key Resources
Geological Overview: Aquifers and Groundwater in Arizona
Arizona’s diverse geology means groundwater is found in several distinct aquifer types. The major aquifer systems include basin-fill alluvial aquifers, fractured rock aquifers in mountain areas, and layered sedimentary aquifers on the Colorado Plateau. Each type has different characteristics and typical well yields:
- Basin-Fill (Alluvial) Aquifers: These aquifers underlie many valleys in southern and central Arizona (Basin and Range province). They consist of thick deposits of sand, gravel, silt, and clay eroded from surrounding mountains. Where coarse sands and gravels dominate, wells can be very high-yielding (hundreds of gallons per minute or more). For example, large irrigation wells in productive basins have reported yields over 600 gpm. In contrast, where fine silts or clays predominate, or where the basin-fill is poorly permeable, well yields may be under 5–10 gpm. Depth to groundwater in alluvial basins varies widely by location – in some river valleys it may be less than 100 feet, while in drier basins it can be several hundred feet deep. These basin-fill aquifers are the principal groundwater sources for cities (e.g. Phoenix, Tucson) and farms in Arizona.
- Fractured Rock Aquifers: In Arizona’s mountain ranges and foothills, as well as parts of the Basin and Range highlands, wells are often completed in hard crystalline or volcanic rock. Groundwater occurs in fractures, faults, and weathered zones in the bedrock. Yields from wells in dense “hard rock” are usually modest – most such wells produce less than 10 gpm, though in areas with extensive fracturing they can sometimes yield up to ~50 gpm. Successful wells in fractured granite or volcanic rocks depend on intercepting enough water-bearing fractures, so yield can vary greatly even over short distances. Wells in these areas also tend to be relatively shallow (often 100–500 feet) compared to basin wells, since water is generally found near fracture zones above impermeable rock. Many rural domestic wells in Arizona’s uplands tap these limited fractured-rock aquifers.
- Colorado Plateau Aquifers: Northern and northeastern Arizona lies in the Colorado Plateau province, which is underlain by layered sedimentary rock formations (sandstones, limestones, shales). Major aquifers here include formations like the Coconino Sandstone and the underlying Redwall-Muav Limestone sequence, among others. These consolidated rock aquifers can store large amounts of water in their pore spaces and fractures. In parts of the Plateau (e.g. around Flagstaff, the Mogollon Rim, and the Little Colorado basin), wells tapping these formations can yield sufficient water for municipal use. However, water-bearing layers are often deep; depth to water can exceed several hundred feet in plateau communities (e.g. >650 feet in parts of the Little Colorado River Plateau). Overall yields are moderate – often tens of gpm – and depend on the specific formation tapped and local geologic structures. Because much of the Plateau is high elevation with limited recharge, water levels in these aquifers tend to decline slowly with long-term pumping, and water quality can vary from fresh to brackish with depth. Still, these regional aquifers are an important source of groundwater for many towns in northern Arizona.
Across Arizona, groundwater availability and well productivity are highly site-specific. But in general, the most productive wells are those in thick, coarse alluvial basins of the southern half of the state, while the least productive are often in crystalline hard rock areas. For instance, wells drilled into clean sand/gravel aquifers in central Arizona can sustain high pumping rates, whereas wells in solid bedrock or fine-grained sediments may only produce a trickle. Understanding the local geologic setting is thus critical for drillers.
State Well Permitting Requirements
Arizona has specific requirements that must be met before a water well is drilled or modified. Notably, the state does not issue a traditional “well permit” in most cases, but rather requires prior notification and approval for well construction:
- Notice of Intent (NOI) to Drill: Before drilling a new well (or deepening or modifying an existing one), the well owner or driller must file a Notice of Intent to Drill (NOI) with the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR). This is done using ADWR Form DWR 55-40, accompanied by a filing fee. The NOI essentially registers the planned well and seeks authorization to proceed. Once ADWR approves the NOI (and issues a well registration number, often called a “Drill Card”), the applicant has one year to complete the drilling. If drilling doesn’t occur in that timeframe, a new NOI (and fee) is required. ADWR’s approval will consider factors like spacing requirements in certain areas (see below) and any Active Management Area rules.
- County Approval for Small Domestic Wells: For proposed domestic wells on small parcels (typically ≤5 acres), Arizona law requires an extra step before ADWR will issue the drill card. The landowner must submit a site plan to the county health or environmental department showing the well location relative to any septic systems, property lines, etc.. The county must review and approve the site (ensuring, for example, at least 100-foot separation from septic systems). Once county approval is obtained, it is forwarded along with the NOI to ADWR. For example, Maricopa County’s Environmental Services Department will accept the NOI application and fee, conduct a site inspection, and then send the package to ADWR for final processing. This coordination helps protect groundwater quality and ensure wells meet local requirements. (On larger parcels, an NOI can be filed directly with ADWR, but drillers should still check any county regulations.)
- Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Well Classification: In Arizona, most private domestic wells are classified as “exempt wells” – meaning they are exempt from certain groundwater regulations. An exempt well is one with a pump capacity of ≤35 gallons per minute, used for non-irrigation purposes (typically serving a single household). Exempt wells still require an NOI before drilling, but the process is simpler. Larger wells (>35 gpm), or those serving irrigation or municipal/industrial uses, are “non-exempt” and are subject to additional requirements. Notably, in the major Active Management Areas (AMAs), you cannot pump from a non-exempt well unless you have a groundwater right or permit (e.g. a grandfathered right, service-area right, or withdrawal permit). When filing an NOI for a new non-exempt well in an AMA, the applicant may need to indicate the type of groundwater right being exercised. Outside the AMAs, non-exempt wells are often used for farms and require an NOI as well, but without a separate pumping right.
- Spacing and Impact Considerations: Arizona’s groundwater code imposes certain spacing rules in specific contexts (primarily for large wells in AMAs and Irrigation Non-Expansion Areas). For example, ADWR will deny an NOI for a new high-capacity well in an AMA if it would cause excessive drawdown at nearby existing wells (a criterion often evaluated for municipal water provider wells). However, these spacing rules do not apply to exempt wells, which are not regulated for interference. In practice, it is good drilling practice to consider well spacing to avoid interference, even where not legally required. Additionally, some Irrigation Non-Expansion Areas (INAs) prohibit new irrigated acreage, indirectly limiting new irrigation wells. Drillers should check if their project lies in an AMA or INA (see Figure 1) and ensure compliance with any local spacing or density restrictions.
Importantly, while an NOI is an administrative requirement rather than a traditional permit, it is mandatory statewide – drilling a well without filing an NOI (and obtaining the drill card) is illegal. The NOI essentially registers the well in the state’s well registry (each well is assigned a “55-” registration number). The well owner is also responsible for ensuring the driller they hire is properly licensed (see Licensing below), as ADWR will not accept NOIs from unlicensed drillers. Once drilling is completed, further documentation and compliance steps come into play (well logging, equipping, etc.), discussed later in this article.
Well Construction Standards and Drilling Procedures
Arizona law places a strong emphasis on proper well construction to protect groundwater quality and ensure well safety. ADWR has adopted minimum well construction standards (found in Arizona Administrative Code R12-15-801 et seq.) that all licensed drillers must follow. Some key aspects of Arizona’s well construction standards include:
- Casing and Surface Seal: All wells must be constructed with durable casing (steel or thermoplastic) of adequate thickness, and must include a cemented surface seal. The standard surface seal in Arizona is a minimum of 20 feet of steel casing, extending at least 1 foot above ground (stickup), grouted in place with cement in a borehole a few inches larger than the casing. This seal prevents contaminants from the surface or shallow zones from migrating down along the outside of the well casing. Drillers typically use neat cement or bentonite grout to fill the annular space around this upper casing. The surface seal requirement applies to all water wells, and ADWR may grant variances only in special cases.
- Well Depth and Construction: The well must be drilled and completed to the specifications submitted in the NOI (or any approved modifications). This includes total depth, casing size and material, screen intervals, and gravel pack if used. Arizona does not impose a universal maximum depth for wells, but drillers should stop in a timely manner if adequate water is found. If a driller proposes to alter the construction (e.g., deepen beyond what was stated, or change location), ADWR should be consulted for approval. The well’s pump capacity (exempt vs non-exempt) should align with what was declared in the NOI and any applicable groundwater rights.
- Disinfection and Completion: Upon completion, the well should be developed to remove drill cuttings and then disinfected. While ADWR’s rules focus on construction, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and county health departments recommend disinfecting new wells with chlorine to kill bacteria introduced during drilling. The wellhead must be completed with a sanitary seal or cap to prevent surface contamination entry. If the well is completed but not yet equipped, it should be capped and secured.
- Well Logging and Reporting: Drill cuttings or geologic samples are typically collected during drilling (especially for deeper wells or those in uncertain geology). While Arizona does not require submission of cuttings, the driller must keep an accurate log of geologic formations encountered, depths, water levels, and construction details. This information is reported on the Well Driller Report/Well Log (Form DWR 55-55) that must be filed with ADWR after the well is finished. Keeping a careful log is not only a regulatory requirement but also valuable for the driller and owner to understand the well’s geology and construction.
ADWR’s published standards cover additional details like grouting techniques, perforation sizing, filter pack material, and special cases (e.g., flowing artesian wells must be capped or valved to prevent uncontrolled flow). These standards are enforced in part through the well completion report: the driller must certify the well was constructed in compliance with A.R.S. §45-594 and §45-595 (the statutes governing well construction and driller licensing). Failure to follow standards can lead to a requirement to correct the well (or even abandon and redrill), and potential penalties for the driller.
For reference, ADWR provides a summary of construction rules and guidelines in their “Statutes and Rules – Governing Minimum Well Construction Standards” document (which compiles the relevant laws and administrative code). Drillers should familiarize themselves with Article 8 of the Arizona Administrative Code Title 12, Chapter 15, which includes rules R12-15-801 through R12-15-816 covering well construction and abandonment standards. For example, beyond the surface seal rule noted above, these rules specify requirements for minimum casing thickness, annular space dimensions (at least 3 inches larger borehole than casing), and proper abandonment procedures (if a well is drilled but not completed or later taken out of service).
Required Documentation and Forms for Well Drillers
Throughout the well planning, drilling, and completion process, several official forms and documents must be used to ensure compliance. Below is a summary of key forms and their purpose (with links to the official versions):
Form / Document | Description | Official Link |
Notice of Intent to Drill (NOI) – Form DWR 55-40 | Must be filed with ADWR before drilling any new well, or deepening/replacing an existing well. Contains well location, proposed depth, use (exempt/non-exempt), driller info, etc. Triggers ADWR review and assignment of a Well Registry ID. Valid for 1 year once approved. | Download Form 55-40 (PDF) |
Well Driller Report & Well Log – Form DWR 55-55 | Must be submitted within 30 days after completing the well. Documents the “as-built” details: geology encountered, well construction specs (casing, screen, depth), static water level, and drilling company. This creates the official well record in ADWR’s database. | Download Form 55-55 (PDF) |
Well Construction Standards (Rules) | State regulations defining how wells must be constructed (materials, sealing, etc.). For example, rules require a cement-grouted surface seal of at least 20 feet of casing. These standards are referenced in statutes (A.R.S. §45-594) and implemented via Arizona Administrative Code R12-15-801 through R12-15-816. | Arizona Admin. Code, Well Construction Standards (PDF) |
Well Log Viewer / Records | ADWR’s online database where well logs (“Driller Reports”) and well registrations can be searched by the public. Each well receives a 55-XXXXX registration number. Drillers and researchers can retrieve lithology logs, construction details, and pumping test data if recorded. | ADWR Well Records Database |
Well Abandonment Rules & Forms | If a well is to be permanently abandoned, it must be properly filled and sealed. ADWR requires a Notice of Intent to Abandon (Form DWR 55-38) and a Well Abandonment Completion Report (Form DWR 55-58) after the work. Abandonment standards (e.g., pressure-grouting the entire well) are detailed in AAC R12-15-816. | Download Form 55-58 (PDF) |
In addition to the above, other forms exist for specific situations – for example, a Pump Installation Completion Report (Form 55-56) to be filed after installing pumping equipment, or change-of-ownership and well location change forms if a well’s status changes. ADWR maintains a full list of well-related forms on its website, which drillers should always use to ensure they have the latest versions (the agency updates forms periodically and will reject outdated versions). Using the proper forms and following their instructions is critical for compliance and to avoid processing delays.
Licensing and Qualifications for Well Drillers
All water well drilling in Arizona must be conducted by an ADWR-licensed well driller, or under the direct on-site supervision of one. Unlike some states that use general contractor licenses, Arizona has a dedicated well driller licensing program administered by ADWR’s Groundwater Permitting and Wells Section. Key points about driller licensing include:
- Licensing Requirements: Any person or company intending to drill wells for compensation must obtain a state well driller’s license (sometimes called a “professional driller license”). The applicant must demonstrate sufficient drilling experience and knowledge, and pass a licensing exam. ADWR issues licenses to individuals (qualifying parties), not to companies per se – though a company can operate if it employs a licensed driller as the qualifying party. The license is non-transferable and must be renewed periodically. The fee for a new license is set by rule (currently $50). ADWR maintains an online List of Licensed Well Drillers for the public.
- Single-Well License for Owner-Drillers: Arizona does allow a private property owner to drill their own exempt well on their land, but they must obtain a temporary “single well license” from ADWR before doing so. This is intended for one-time situations (since normally an unlicensed person cannot drill a well). No fee is charged for the single-well license, but the individual would still be expected to follow well construction standards and file the required NOI and well log. In practice, most wells are installed by professional drilling contractors, and DIY drilling is rare beyond some very shallow wells.
- Pump Installer Licensing: Arizona does not have a separate state license specifically for pump installers – many well drilling firms also install pumps, and the work is often covered under a general contractor license or done by the well driller. However, a pump installation completion report (Form 55-56) must be filed with ADWR after equipping a well. If a different company (not the drilling firm) equips the well, they should coordinate with the well owner to ensure this form is submitted. Additionally, if a well is deepened or modified by a new driller, ADWR requires a “Change of Well Driller” notice (Form 55-71B) to update the responsible licensee.
- Continuing Compliance: Licensed drillers are subject to ADWR enforcement if they violate well construction rules or licensing standards. ADWR can revoke or suspend a license for cause (e.g. falsifying logs, constructing wells improperly, or disregarding NOIs). Drillers are also expected to maintain records and respond to any ADWR inquiries or investigations (for example, if a complaint is lodged about an illegal well). By adhering to the state’s regulations and filing paperwork diligently, drillers maintain their good standing to operate in Arizona.
In summary, from a driller’s perspective, being properly licensed and following the outlined procedures (NOI filing, using correct forms, constructing to code, and reporting) is not just a legal obligation but also good professional practice. The regulatory framework is designed to protect Arizona’s groundwater and ensure well longevity, which ultimately benefits both the driller and the well owner.
Active Management Areas (AMAs) and Groundwater Management
Arizona’s 1980 Groundwater Management Act created several Active Management Areas (AMAs) – regions where groundwater overdraft was most severe and where special conservation and reporting rules apply. There are currently six AMAs: Prescott, Phoenix, Pinal, Tucson, Santa Cruz, and Douglas (the Douglas AMA was established in 2025, upgrading the former Douglas INA). If you are drilling within an AMA, be aware of the additional requirements and restrictions:
- Metering and Reporting: All non-exempt wells in AMAs (i.e., wells with pump capacity over 35 gpm) must be equipped with an accurate water flow meter and are subject to annual reporting of pumpage to ADWR. Well owners in AMAs must file an Annual Water Withdrawal and Use Report each year, typically by March 31, detailing the volume of groundwater pumped in the previous year. This applies to agricultural, municipal, and industrial wells with groundwater rights. Exempt wells (small domestic) are exempt from these reporting requirements – they do not have to meter or report their usage. (In fact, the term “exempt” refers largely to exemption from metering, reporting, and certain conservation rules.) However, note that even exempt well owners in AMAs are encouraged to practice conservation, and if an exempt well is found to be pumping over 35 gpm, ADWR can take enforcement action to reclassify it.
- Groundwater Rights and Permits: In an AMA, you generally cannot pump from a new non-exempt well unless you hold a groundwater right or specific permit. The Groundwater Code established “grandfathered rights” for existing users in 1980 and requires new large users to obtain permits for certain uses (e.g., Industrial Use Permits, Mineral Extraction Permits, etc.). For example, a developer in an AMA cannot simply drill a high-capacity well for a subdivision without demonstrating an assured water supply and obtaining the proper certificates. Drillers should ensure their clients in AMAs have the necessary rights (such as a Type 2 non-irrigation right or a certificate of assured water supply for the project) before proceeding with a large well. The NOI form will ask if the well is pursuant to a withdrawal permit or right in an AMA. Exempt wells in AMAs are allowed for small-scale domestic use without a groundwater right, but there are limits (one exempt well per property for most uses, and the well must be outside 100 feet of any service area of a water provider unless an exemption is obtained).
- Conservation Requirements: AMA water users (municipal water providers, farmers, industries) must adhere to conservation plans under the AMA’s Management Plan. While this mostly affects how water is used after it’s pumped (e.g., irrigation efficiency, landscaping restrictions), it indirectly affects well operations. For instance, some AMAs require that agricultural wells be operated to minimize overflow and wastage, and municipal providers often have per-capita usage targets. These rules don’t directly constrain a driller’s activities, but as a knowledgeable professional, you should understand that water use is closely monitored in AMAs.
- Active Management vs. INA: Outside of AMAs, Arizona has a couple of designated Irrigation Non-Expansion Areas (INAs) (e.g., the Joseph City INA and Harquahala INA – see Figure 1 in orange). In INAs, no new irrigated acreage can be developed, which means no new irrigation wells to water new farmland. However, wells for other purposes or replacement of existing farm wells are allowed. INAs have some reporting requirements but are less restrictive than AMAs. As a driller, if you are drilling in an INA, ensure the use is allowed (e.g., a domestic or stock well is fine, a new farm well on new acreage is not).
The creation of the AMAs has helped Arizona manage its groundwater better – for instance, the Phoenix, Tucson, and Prescott AMAs aim for “safe-yield” (no long-term decline of groundwater levels) by 2025. This has led to more recharge projects and importation of surface water (like Central Arizona Project water) to offset pumping. In practice, water levels in some AMA locations have stabilized or even risen due to artificial recharge, while other areas (particularly the Pinal AMA’s farming areas) still see declines. As a driller, understanding these regional trends can be useful. For example, parts of Pinal AMA have well-known dropping water tables, meaning new wells may need to be drilled deeper than older nearby wells. Conversely, in parts of Phoenix AMA, massive recharge basins have raised water tables, which could affect drilling conditions (higher water table and potentially artesian conditions in some areas).
Utility Clearance: Arizona 811 “Blue Stake” Requirements
Before bringing in the rig and breaking ground, drillers must take steps to prevent damaging any existing underground utilities at the site. Arizona law requires using the Arizona 811 (formerly known as Blue Stake) one-call system prior to any excavation. In practice, this means:
- Call Before You Dig: The driller (or person doing the excavation) must contact Arizona 811 at least two full working days before drilling is to begin. This can be done by dialing 811 or through an online request. Arizona 811 will then notify local utilities (electric, gas, water, telecom, pipeline companies, etc.) that have facilities in the area.
- Utility Markouts: Utility companies will either send a technician to mark the location of any buried lines on the property or clear the property if they have no lines. Markings are done with color-coded paint/flags (e.g., blue for water, red for electric, yellow for gas). The driller should ensure that the well site is clearly identified (white paint can be used by the driller to mark the intended drill spot) so that utility locators know where excavation will occur.
- Verification and Drilling: Once all utilities have responded (or the waiting period has passed with no conflict notices), drilling can commence. It is wise to keep the Arizona 811 ticket number on hand. If the project is delayed beyond the ticket’s validity (typically 15 working days in Arizona), a new 811 request must be made. Remember that even on private land, and even if the landowner insists there are no utilities, an 811 notification is legally required – there could be easements or unknown lines. Hitting a buried gas or electric line with a drill rig can be extremely dangerous and costly, so never skip this step.
In summary, always “blue stake” the site before drilling. It’s free and it’s the law. The Arizona Corporation Commission enforces the Underground Facilities law and can levy fines for not calling 811 if a utility is hit. More importantly, utility clearance protects your crew and equipment from harm. Many drillers will coordinate the 811 call a week or so ahead of the scheduled drilling to ensure no delays. Also be mindful of any on-site private utilities that 811 might not mark (like a customer’s irrigation lines or septic system); those should be located via the owner or site plans.
Regional Groundwater Conditions and Trends
For drillers working across Arizona, it’s useful to keep abreast of regional groundwater level trends and issues that might affect drilling. Over the past few decades, some parts of Arizona have experienced significant groundwater declines due to heavy pumping, while others have seen stabilization or recovery thanks to management efforts. A few noteworthy trends:
- Groundwater Level Declines: Several agricultural basins in Arizona have well-documented declines in water levels. For instance, the Willcox Basin in Cochise County (southeastern AZ) has experienced continuing steep declines – in some areas the water table has dropped over 100 feet in the last few decades, largely due to agricultural irrigation pumping. This has caused wells to go dry, requiring redrilling deeper. Similarly, parts of Pinal AMA and Harquahala INA have significant declines and land subsidence (earth fissures) associated with groundwater mining. Drillers in these areas often have to drill new wells much deeper than older wells were, and should be cautious of subsidence-caused casing collapse in existing wells.
- Water Level Recovery and Recharge: In contrast, areas of the Phoenix and Tucson AMAs have seen water levels rise or stabilize in recent years, where renewable supplies have replaced some groundwater use. For example, within the Phoenix AMA, certain sub-basins have rising water levels due to the recharge of Colorado River water (Central Arizona Project) and effluent. This can benefit drillers by reducing required well depths, but also can lead to higher hydraulic heads (artesian conditions) in some formerly deep zones. The Prescott AMA has also made efforts to reach safe-yield, and while challenges remain, the expansion of municipal water systems has slowed the proliferation of new exempt wells there.
- Water Quality and Brackish Zones: Drillers should also be aware of changes in water quality with depth. In some basins, fresh (potable) groundwater transitions to brackish or saline water at depth. The ADWR/Montgomery & Associates brackish groundwater inventory indicates, for example, that in parts of the West Salt River Valley (west of Phoenix) and in the Willcox Basin, brackish water underlies the freshwater aquifer at depth. If a well is drilled too deep, it could tap poorer quality water. Thus, it’s important to target the proper aquifer zone – usually the primary freshwater interval – unless there’s a plan for treating brackish water. Testing water quality (at least TDS, and arsenic if in known arsenic-prone areas) is recommended after drilling.
- ADWR Monitoring and Data: Arizona has an extensive network of observation wells monitored by ADWR and USGS. Drillers and hydrologists can access water level data through ADWR’s Groundwater Site Inventory (GWSI) mapping tool. Being informed of the depth to water and historical trend in a given area can guide drilling plans (for instance, anticipating if water level might be significantly lower than in older nearby wells). ADWR also publishes periodic Water Level Reports and Water Level Change Maps highlighting where significant declines or rises are occurring. Keeping an eye on these reports can provide early warning if an area is developing problems (or improvements) that could affect well design and longevity.
Key Agencies and Contacts in Arizona Groundwater Regulation
In Arizona, multiple agencies at the state and local level play roles in regulating and managing groundwater and well drilling. Here is a quick reference to the main entities a driller should be aware of:
- Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR): The primary state agency overseeing groundwater. ADWR handles well registration (NOIs, well logs), driller licensing, and enforcement of well construction standards. ADWR also administers the AMAs/INAs (issuing any required groundwater permits and monitoring compliance). For any questions on state well regulations, the ADWR Groundwater Permitting and Wells Section is the go-to resource. Their website (www.azwater.gov) provides forms, an eNOI online filing system, and data on existing wells.
- County Health/Environmental Departments: County agencies (e.g., Maricopa County Environmental Services, Pima County Health Department, etc.) are involved in approving domestic well sites relative to septic systems and may issue permits for well drilling at the local level in some cases'. They enforce rules on minimum separation distances for wells from sewage systems or other contamination sources. It’s important to check the specific county’s requirements before drilling a private well. Many counties also require that new well owners submit water quality test results for parameters like bacteria and nitrates soon after the well is completed (this is typically for the owner’s education, as private well water is not regulated under drinking water laws).
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ): ADEQ does not permit water wells, but it regulates water quality and well impact if there is contamination. If a well is being drilled in or near a known groundwater contamination site (a Superfund or WQARF site), ADEQ may have guidelines or requirements to prevent cross-contamination. ADEQ also regulates public water systems – if a new well will serve as a source for a public water system (e.g., a subdivision’s water company), then that well must meet ADEQ’s drinking water standards. This often means the water must be tested for a suite of chemicals before being put into service.
- Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) – Pipeline Safety: The ACC enforces the Arizona Underground Facilities (811) law as noted earlier''. They are the ones who would investigate if a driller hits a pipeline or fails to call 811. While they aren’t involved in water well permitting, it’s good to know this falls under state oversight in case of any utility strikes.
- Local Water Authorities/Irrigation Districts: In some areas, especially rural irrigation districts or private water companies, there may be additional local rules. For instance, an irrigation district might require notification if a new irrigation well is drilled within its service area (to coordinate on water rights or to ensure it’s consistent with district allocations). Likewise, some cities or towns require a clearance or permit to drill a well within city limits (often to ensure it doesn’t impact the municipal supply or to enforce well spacing). Always check municipal codes if drilling in city/town jurisdictions, as a few have ordinances on wells.
By coordinating with the appropriate agencies and understanding their roles, drillers can avoid regulatory pitfalls and ensure a smoother project. It can be helpful to maintain a checklist: ADWR NOI filed? County site approval obtained? 811 called? Licensed driller on site? etc. Arizona’s regulatory environment for wells, while detailed, is navigable with proper preparation and by using the wealth of guidance documents available.
Water well drilling in Arizona requires a combination of technical know-how and regulatory compliance. The state’s unique hydrologic environments – from deep alluvial basins to fractured bedrock mountains – mean that drilling techniques and well designs must be tailored to local conditions for success. Meanwhile, Arizona’s groundwater laws set forth clear rules on how wells are to be constructed, reported, and in some cases, how the water from them can be used. By understanding the prevailing geological conditions, adhering to state and local permitting requirements, and utilizing the official resources and forms provided by ADWR and other agencies, drilling professionals can help ensure reliable water wells for their clients while protecting the shared groundwater resource.
This overview has covered the key points – from major aquifer types and yields, to the NOI process, well construction standards, and agency roles. For more detailed information, drillers should consult the linked sources and official publications (such as ADWR’s Practical Guide to Drilling a Domestic Water Well in Arizona), as well as stay updated on any changes in regulations or AMA policies. With proper planning and due diligence, drilling in Arizona can be both professionally rewarding and instrumental in sustaining the state’s water needs.
References (from authoritative sources):
- Arizona Dept. of Water Resources (ADWR) – Well Drilling in Arizona (ADWR website)
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension – Arizona Wells: Low Yielding Domestic Water Wells
- USGS Groundwater Atlas – Aquifers of the Colorado Plateaus
- ADWR – Issue Brief: Exempt Wells
- Maricopa County Environmental Services – Well Drilling FAQ
- Arizona 811 (ACC) – Arizona Underground Facilities (Blue Stake) Law
- ADWR – Well Permitting Forms
- ADWR – ADWR Dictionary: Surface Seal Definition
- Canez et al., 2019 – Depth of Wells & Distribution of Fresh/Brackish Groundwater in Willcox Basin
- ADWR – Active Management Area Overview